Round-table symposium “Forests as Cultural Landscapes”, 26.-28. Juni 2014 in Flörsbachtal-Lohrhaupten/Spessart
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
am 26. Juni abends und am 27. Juni findet im Forschungszentrum Spessart des ASP/Institut an der Universität Würzburg in Flörsbachtal-Lohrhaupten eine internationale Tagung zum Thema “Forst as a cultural landscape” statt:
Round-table symposium „Forests as Cultural Landscapes“
June, 26.-28., 2014 in Flörsbachtal-Lohrhaupten / Spessart
June 26. (Thursday):
20.00 h: lecture
Dr. Gerrit Himmelsbach, Archaeological Spessart-Project / Institute at the University Würzburg
Dr. Graham Jones, Senior Research Associate, Oxford University School of Geography, St John’s College
Johanna Lehmann, München
Forest – administration – historical maps
June 27. (Friday) – lectures
9.00 h: Welcome by Mayor Frank Soer (Flörsbachtal)
9.15 h: Dr. Graham Jones, Senior Research Associate, Oxford University School of Geography, St John’s College: European forests. A common resource pool rediscovered
10.00 h: Prof. Stefan Zerbe, Vice-Rector for Research Professor for Environment and Applied Botany Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (FUB) Faculty of Science and Technology: Forest vegetation and palynological studies in the Spessart mountains: learning from the past to understand the present and built the future
10.45 h: Break
11.00 h: Elżbieta Bilska-Wodecka, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University Krakow: Religion and Forests
11.45 h: Richard Almond, BSc, MA, MPhil, FGS, Richmond (North Yorkshire): Forest and hunting
12.30 h: Lunch
13.30 h: Sébastien Poublanc, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, laboratoire FRAMESPA: Mapping the forests: the Great Reformation in France (1661-1680) and the making of cartography
14.15 h: Dr. Szymon Kazusek, Instytut Historii, University of Kielce: Free distribution of forests from the royal lands and timber trade in Poland in the second half of the 18th century
15.00 h: Break
15.15 h: Harald Rosmanitz, M.A., Archaeological Spessart-Project / Institute at the University Würzburg: Forest – perspectives of archeology
& excursion – boundary stones and visit of the excavation of the former monastery “Elisabethenzell” in the forest Spessart
19.00: Spessart-Dinner
June 28 (Saturday) – departure
Für Rückfragen stehe ich jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Gerrit Himmelsbach
Dr. Gerrit Himmelsbach
Projektleiter Landschaftsmanagement / Europäische Kulturwege Archäologisches Spessart-Projekt / Institut an der Universität Würzburg Ludwigstraße 19
D-63739 Aschaffenburg
Tel: ++ 49 6021 58 40 343
Fax: ++ 49 6021 58 40 349
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